Medical aid companies require you to notify them about hospitalisation before admission.​
If you need accommodation to be close to a relative or friend while they are in hospital, please contact Ineke Jonker for more information at or 071 408 2462.
Your medical aid will require the following information from you:
Your Speciliast’s name and practice number
Your GP’s name and practice number
The hospital’s name and practice number :0922900
The date of admission and procedure
The surgery is planned with the ICD10 codes (description of your diagnosis) and the RPL codes (description of the procedure you will undergo).
Request the following from your medical aid:
Your hospitalisation authorisation letter from your Medical aid
The maximum benefits applicable
Any exclusions that might be applicable
Whether you need to arrange a procedural or a non-DSP provider co-payment to the hospital on admission
The prosthesis limit (if relevant)
On the day of admission, make sure you have the following with you:
Driver’s license, ID document or passport.
Medical aid card and authorisation number and authorisation letter
Names and contact numbers of family members or friends.
Referring doctor’s name and contact number.
Comfortable clothing or sleepwear, socks and slippers.
Toiletries, such as toothbrush, toothpaste.
Please do not bring any valuables to the hospital. The hospital does not take responsibility for the loss of any valuables.
Glasses/ contact lenses
Walkers, crutches, hearing aids or dentures.
A list of previous ospitalisation, illnesses, operations and allergies.
Radiology images and reports, if applicable.
All current medication in their original packaging indicating dosages and schedules. Please make sure that you provide this to your nurse.
You will receive a free set of earphones with admission.
Complete confidentiality
Access your medical records
Be involved in all treatment decisions and/or request another opinion
Caring, empathetic and courteous hospital staff
Receive accurate health education about your diagnosis and treatment in a manner that you can understand
Enter into discussion with your treating team about
end-of-life wishes -
Be treated in a safe, clean and organised facility
Receive a timely response to your request for services
Have your pain treated
Be made aware of guidelines of our facilities
Know the names of our hospital staff
Be kept updated with all costs related to your condition
Be provided with all relevant and appropriate information prior to providing consent
Refuse any treatment and/or leave the hospital against medical advice
Be provided with a quotation should you be a private patient
Sensitivity regarding your physical, emotional, and psychological needs
Have your cultural and spiritual values and beliefs respected – provided it is in your best interest medically
The respect of your personal privacy and dignity,
without prejudice -
Make your complaint known to staff and management
Complain without recrimination
Take your complaint to an external governing body should we not resolve it to your satisfaction